wooooo..based on title pon da taw ap mau cerita kan..before this dengar je org keje n blaja..xpenat ke..tgk diorang cam ok je..cam hepi je...so,,why not sy try..and now i'm officially work as sales assistant kat VINCCI..pernah dgr kan..
*kedai die kat mane2 pon same je ghupeny*
nampak macam simple je kan..keje amek kasut pastu bagi kat customer..tu kalo customer xbyk songeh..bwat yg try skali sampai 6,7 pasang kasut..xke gile..bole naek hangin taw..rase cam nak tampar2 je kasut tu kat mke diorang..kalo amek xpe..ni xbli langsung plak tu..dush!sangat penat actually keje and blaja at the same time..tapi sebab nak rase sangat kan..so,,why not try kan..bile da try we will noe how it feel..experience tu mahal wooo..memg la dapat gaji pon masyuk..heeee~tapi agak penat..balik je da malam..nak study lagi..at last,,study pastu tertido..da la bulan pose ni ramai sgt2 datang beli kasut sebab da nak raya kan..pastu macam2 kerenah ad..haha..sy ske sgt perhatikan org and comment dalam hati..hehe..lagi satu,,bile keje ni kan,,dapat build self confidence taw..nak kne cakap ngan customer..kalo customer mintak pendapat kite,,kite kene la ckp ngan die kan..cbe kalo sy ni sgt pemalu,,of coz nak bagi kasut tu pun da tersipu2 malu..pastu dapat new friends..hee..bertambah la friends sy kat fb..
hurm..to my dear mom,,actually die xbagi sy keje but sbab sy degil sgt nak rase,,so die bagi la..same goes to my sugar pie..die pon xske sy keje bcoz he know that sy ni byk complaint..haha..to those people yg membantah sy keje tu,,lpas ni memg sy xkeje da sbab sy da rase mcm mane become an employee..